Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Here are some more tidbits from "The Book"

!!Urban Legends!!

Story #1
Two speeding semi trucks crash head on in a heavy fog. The drivers survive, but the two trucks are too smashed together to separate, so the towing company tows them to the junkyard in one piece. A few weeks later, junkyard workers notice a terrible smell coming from the wreck. They pry the cars apart....and discover a Volkswagon beetle with four passengers crushed flat in between the two trucks.

The Truth: Urban legends featuring small cars smashed by big vehicles are so numerous that they're practically a category by themselves. What keeps them alive is the general fear of meeting a similar fate.

Story #2
After playing a round of golf, a man with a habit of chewing his golf tee between holes complains he isnt feeling well. He chedks into a hospital, and a few days later he dies. An autopsy reveals that insecticide from the golf course tainted the tee he was chewing, and poisoned him.

The Truth: This one is actually true. In 1982, Navy Lieutenant George M. Prior played 2 rounds of golf at the Army-Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. By the time he finished, he was complaining of a headache; that night he checked into the hospital with nausea, fever, and a severe rash. He died ten days later. An autopsy determined that he died from an extreme allergic reaction to the pesticides used on the golf course.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

More Knowledge from the Bathroom Reader!!

This one is creepy!

!!Titanic Coincidences!!

The Titan/Titanic

In 1898, a short novel called The Wreck of the Titan or Futility, by Morgan Robertson, was published in the U.S. It told the story of the maiden voyage of an "unsinkable" luxury liner called the Titan. Robertson described the boat in great detail.
The Titan, he wrote, was 800 feet long, weighed 75,000 tons, had three propellers and 24 lifeboats, and was packed with rich passengers. Cruising at 25 knots, the Titan's hull was ripped apart when it hit an iceberg in April. Most of the passengers were lost because there weren't enough lifeboats. Robertson apparently claimed he'd written his book with the help of an "astral writing partner."

Eerie Coincidence:Fourteen years later, the real-life Titanic took off on its maiden voyage. Like the fictional Titan, it was considered the largest and safest ship afloat. I was 882.5 feet long, weighed 66,000 tons, had three propellers and 22 life boats, and carried a full load of rich passengers. Late at night on April 14, 1912, sailing at 23 knots, the Titanic ran into and iceberg which tore a hole in its hull and upended the ship. At least 1,513 people drowned because there weren't enough lifeboats.

Strange huh?
Just thought i would share that with you all. I want to read that book now. :P

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I Love My Dano!!!

I really do

I'm gonna marry him if luc and i dont work out and i am still single at around 40 years old.!!!
(dont think i have forgotten dan!!)
Dan, Dan, My backup man!
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Isn't he cute!!! :) lol
(like the new do btw dano!)

you should also check out his blog!!

Also see my sidebar for more really great blogs!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Another Quiz..

Found this on Dustix's blog... thought it was funny..

Your Hidden Talent

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.

And this one was there too.. figured i might as well do both of them.. :D

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

And i found this one on my own...

You Are Likely a First Born

At your darkest moments, you feel guilty.
At work and school, you do best when you're researching.
When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often.

In friendship, you are considerate and compromising.
Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking.
You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream.

Thought it was funny.. i am first born, but i dont think alot of what it says is true.. oh well.. wont bore you all anymore tonight.. :)
sleep tight all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I dont know if this is me....

or not.. but i figure its kinda close enough...

Your #1 Match: INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

You decide!! if its way off let me know! cause if so.... this personality type test is WRONG! if not then i guess its ok.. :P
just babbling.. sorry.....

Monday, September 19, 2005

my pirate name!!

My pirate name is:

Black Anne Vane

Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Good Morning Everyone

Just thought I would stop in and say something.. so.... SOMETHING! Happy now? :P
Anyways... was looking at some stuff last night.. found out you can get a wedding gown really cheap on ebay.. bleah.
So anyways.. not much to say...gonna go for now!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

last nights post

you also have to activate your account btw if you go and do the neopets thing.. should have said that! lol
anywho... not much to report on today.. still in Dawson... still bored... still me... OH NO!!! NOT ME!!!
no new pics.. not much to take pics of here.. pretty flat... found out that grizzly's and moose wander into downtown Dawson at random intervals.. especially this time of year... looking for food i guess... hmmmm..... what else is there to talk about?.... I dont know... um..... luc's course is going well.... he is bored.... so far it has all been review of tools and shit.... that will be changing next week though....god!... I should stop babbling....... naw.. my battery in my camera is dead... cant even take nude pics of luc sleeping to entertain myself....!!!
That would be funny :P
here's a quote from uncle johns great big bathroom reader!!!
"Ironic Deaths
In 1955, actor James Dean made an ad warning teens about driving too fast. ("The life you save may be mine," he said.) Shortly after, he died when his Porsche Spider, going 86 mph, hit another car.

"The wife of Claudius I tried to poison her husband with poisonous mushrooms in 54 A.D. Claudius' doctor tried to make him throw up by tickling his throat with a feather. Claudius choked on the feather and died." (Oops)

I will probably keep posting random facts from this book at random times as there is not much else to talk about.... some interesting shit in here...
like the story of......

I sooo have nothing to do!!

I have nothing to do!! I am sooo bored.. it is boring up here... i have no friends!!! :( bored bored bored!!
Everyone should move up here!!! lol
Dont ming me.. i am fucking......
BORED!!I guess I will get over it.... but unless you live here you wouldnt know just how boring it is...
I'm gonna go now.. nighter..
Oh, by the way.. you should all click on the neopets buttons and sign up for a neopets account.. even if you dont ever go back to it again it helps me get shit.. :) I would appreciate it... thanks... oh... also you could set up multiple accounts so i get !more! shit! yay! lol .

Monday, September 12, 2005

im burrowing...

my nose in other people's business!!!(singing) la la la!!! la la la!!! laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Some new pics!

We started walking thru the park tonight... when we came upon these foot prints.
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We decided to see where they led to when all of a sudden the foot prints changed!!
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We deduced that some poor hiker was walking when he came upon a bigfoot and was eaten.
We prayed for a sign.. and we got one!
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but upon further inspection...
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This was not the sign we were looking for...
A little further into our walk....
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We decided to investigate further.
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then we looked up...
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We had gotten our sign... it was time to go get tobacco and milk...
the end.

(i know i'm lame.. no need to tell me that) :P

Mondays... bleah

So I went to work today.... then my boss took me to the hospital. My hip is killing me. Then, when i got back from the hospital I ended up sitting around for a few and then went home.. made no money :(. I hate working on commission.) I guess thats the way to do it in my career. Unless i do chair rental.. but i need a clientelle for that first... so if there are any people from dawson creek reading this, then come in and see me for a haircut! lol
Yeah.. i'm lame.
Oh well.. post more later... hopefully some pics. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sports, part 2

well.. federer won todays match against agassi...
Yeah i watched it.
just to see who was gonna win.. i kinda wanted agassi to win...he is old and may not play another tournament again.... too bad..
thats all folks....

Saturday, September 10, 2005

F*&#ing Tired!

fucking tired, fucking tired, fucking tired.
Can you tell I'm Fucking tired!?
Luc is trying to make me hurt him. I cant see cause im so fucking tired... and he is being a jerk ! and he says he isnt being a jerk.. just being a brat.
I dont see the difference... Thats ok.. once i get my hands on him he will be sorry!
and i will boil it all down to "you always hurt the ones you love"
and he will tell me to fuck off with that saying...
ah the endless cycle... :)
Luc is apparently getting hit on at work from little girly girls... i just found out... and the girl in question is even trying to get him drunk when he goes to her house! lol
Thats all i have to say about that...

Luc is doing dishes to make up for flirting!! lol (jk)
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and when now he doesnt want his picture took!!
How cute!
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He loves the attention.. really he does.... honest!
I know he does, otherwise he wouldnt have married me!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Random Babbling!

Well... getting ready for work......again!
Dont get me wrong, I like my job, but I hate how we as a society run our lives around someone elses schedule. Anyway.. enough about that. We had a visitor the other day..
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He stuck around for about 1.5 hours, slept on our couch, caught a bug, ate said bug, and then left....

And something very very exciting happened to me last night!!!


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I had my bangs cut!!! yay!
now they are just long enough to blind me!! :) :P

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ok!! You have to check this out!

my daddy uploaded the bedtime story he used to tell me and my sis when we were kids!! check it out!!

Your word is FUCK. You like to come across as rude
and rebellious, and often you do. You also are
intelligent and maybe surprisingly sensitive,
though God help anyone who said that in front
of your friends.
Which Swear (Curse) Word Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Dont you all think it's kinda strange how people change? It used to be that no one watched sports like golf or tennis. And if they did, they wouldn't let anyone know that they did because how uncool are those sports? I remember those days...
Now it seems that, amidst my group of friends at least, !Tennis! is the big thing. I have just one question... How can you watch that?!?!? 2 people hitting a little ball back and forth, chasing after that same little ball for what feels like forever, and finally the opposite player either misses the ball or it gets past them.. yeash! To me it's kind of a kin to watching people play badminton, but with a lot more running. I guess its just me.. mind you i dont like watching any sports... I'd rather play them.. but still.
Im probably going to get a little backlash for saying that... But come on, it had to be said!
(and its not like i haven't tried to sit and watch a match.. tried yesterday! Can't..... watch......People.... hitting the small...... ball! Poor little ball :D )

If you have to retaliate go ahead... i can take it!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Today was kinda boring.. worked from 10 till 6 and it was soooo slow until the last 3 hours.. i hate that.. why cant people come during the day to get haircuts?
:( Anyway..Luc is trying to study and i am typing too loud for him (hi honey!) so i am gonna go and post later when he is in bed..
for your viewing pleasure...
some contraversy!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

And its only Tuesday

i still have Weds, Thurs, Fri, and Sat left.. yeash! so.. not much happening... nothing to say really(do i ever have anything to say?)...(YAWN)sleepy.... night..... zzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, September 04, 2005


I made naked spagetti tonight!!! Its really good! I will make it again!
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Dano move up here!!!

move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here,
move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here,
move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here,
move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here,
move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here,
move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here, move up here,
just move up here! lol

an ode to dano!
Click here to listen to 'Skid-Row---I-Remember-You'

and here is some beer for dano!
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yes dano.. this Pil's for You!!
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Friday, September 02, 2005

Wow!! Friday already?

I didnt realize it had been that many days since my last post...
Sorry to all of you who have been looking at my blog thinking I was forgetting to post, I did forget. Oh well.. if any of you thought i had anything interesting to say, you are Sadly mistaken.. :)
anywho.. in answer to dano's blog question, it would be Peirs Anthony, Joan of Arc, and probably Charles Manson..(want to know what sort of things go on in his crazy little head)
Thats about it.. nothing fun happens here.. Oh, btw Dano... I am saving a jar of pickled carrots for you when you do make it up here. ;) :P
ok well.. thats all today folks.. (i know i'm dissapointing all my loyal fans!) :)