Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Here are some more tidbits from "The Book"

!!Urban Legends!!

Story #1
Two speeding semi trucks crash head on in a heavy fog. The drivers survive, but the two trucks are too smashed together to separate, so the towing company tows them to the junkyard in one piece. A few weeks later, junkyard workers notice a terrible smell coming from the wreck. They pry the cars apart....and discover a Volkswagon beetle with four passengers crushed flat in between the two trucks.

The Truth: Urban legends featuring small cars smashed by big vehicles are so numerous that they're practically a category by themselves. What keeps them alive is the general fear of meeting a similar fate.

Story #2
After playing a round of golf, a man with a habit of chewing his golf tee between holes complains he isnt feeling well. He chedks into a hospital, and a few days later he dies. An autopsy reveals that insecticide from the golf course tainted the tee he was chewing, and poisoned him.

The Truth: This one is actually true. In 1982, Navy Lieutenant George M. Prior played 2 rounds of golf at the Army-Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. By the time he finished, he was complaining of a headache; that night he checked into the hospital with nausea, fever, and a severe rash. He died ten days later. An autopsy determined that he died from an extreme allergic reaction to the pesticides used on the golf course.

1 comment:

Dano said... candy...aaaggrrrhhhh...