Thursday, September 08, 2005


Dont you all think it's kinda strange how people change? It used to be that no one watched sports like golf or tennis. And if they did, they wouldn't let anyone know that they did because how uncool are those sports? I remember those days...
Now it seems that, amidst my group of friends at least, !Tennis! is the big thing. I have just one question... How can you watch that?!?!? 2 people hitting a little ball back and forth, chasing after that same little ball for what feels like forever, and finally the opposite player either misses the ball or it gets past them.. yeash! To me it's kind of a kin to watching people play badminton, but with a lot more running. I guess its just me.. mind you i dont like watching any sports... I'd rather play them.. but still.
Im probably going to get a little backlash for saying that... But come on, it had to be said!
(and its not like i haven't tried to sit and watch a match.. tried yesterday! Can't..... watch......People.... hitting the small...... ball! Poor little ball :D )

If you have to retaliate go ahead... i can take it!


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little gwion said...

I knew a guy, who told me (he was quite drunk at the time) that when he was a teenager he would LISTEN to womens' tennis on the TV in his bedroom and, you know, do that thing that teenage boys do when they're alone. Apparently, it was all the grunting that got him off...

Strange, eh? But it shows tennis is good for something.

Dano said...

I like watchin tennis, but sometimes I can't watch boring matches. I do the flip channels thing. From one sport or show to the other during commercials. I like the long rally matches. I do prefer playin over watchin, and sometimes watchin helps my game.

andrea said...

aww.. come on dano.. admit it.. your the guy from little gwion's story!! arent you!
lol ;)

Garry Nixon said...

LOL. Was it you Dano? Do you whisper to women "Please could you grunt like Venus?"

Dano said...

Sharapova has the best grunt...I mean...I don't know what you're talkin about.

andrea said...
