Saturday, September 10, 2005

F*&#ing Tired!

fucking tired, fucking tired, fucking tired.
Can you tell I'm Fucking tired!?
Luc is trying to make me hurt him. I cant see cause im so fucking tired... and he is being a jerk ! and he says he isnt being a jerk.. just being a brat.
I dont see the difference... Thats ok.. once i get my hands on him he will be sorry!
and i will boil it all down to "you always hurt the ones you love"
and he will tell me to fuck off with that saying...
ah the endless cycle... :)
Luc is apparently getting hit on at work from little girly girls... i just found out... and the girl in question is even trying to get him drunk when he goes to her house! lol
Thats all i have to say about that...

Luc is doing dishes to make up for flirting!! lol (jk)
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and when now he doesnt want his picture took!!
How cute!
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He loves the attention.. really he does.... honest!
I know he does, otherwise he wouldnt have married me!


Dano said...

Ha HA! That's great! Makes me want to get married so I can do the dishes naked...oh, wait, I already do.
Like the tile in the background.

Luctouque said...

im not naked! just topless!

Anonymous said...

Geez, Andrea...are you tired??? LOL. Had a rough week or something? Go hurt will feel better. :)