Sunday, July 30, 2006

Oh so sleepy!!!

My little princess at about 4:30 this morning, while she deprived me of sleep then decided to conk out.

One week old and helping mom and dad do laundry.. :)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Meet Karma Alexis!!

She was born at 7:55am Saturday July 22, 2006. 5lbs 11oz of supersonic baby. 6 hours of labour and 12 to 14 pushes, so, quick and painful. Been busy taking care of her, so I wont be posting much for now. To see more pics go to Sadgoat's blog, but I don't know who he is, or how he got the pics but, that is where you will find them.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Darn it all!!

So, done with the move now.. got everything hooked up again. :)
yay computer!! yay cable!! :P
I am currently 4 days overdue and still nothing. Had a dr. appt. yesterday. Going in on Saturday(tomorrow) to have a fetal test strip done. Basically a prolonged relaxing period for me where they see how the baby is doing. Hopefully I go into labour this weekend, otherwise they will want to induce me by about Monday. :(
I have been told that when you are induced the labour pains are harder and hurt ever so slightly more. I am not looking forward to that if that happens to be the case.
In other news I still have a whole house to unpack.. hopefully get some of it done before baby shows up...

Guess that is it for now..

Monday, July 17, 2006

Still no baby...

and the countdown seems to be continueing. Today was my due date.... getting antsy!!
want to seeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Whine, snivel, whine....
want to know what it is!! boy or girl!! how big is it?!?!?! want to know!!!!!
probably should hope it doesnt show up till after the move... but starting to think i will never go into labour!!!
k.. breathe, breathe!!
k.. just gonna wait some more...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Hubby is working late...

Just thought I would post a picture of my hubby....
Click to enlarge.

Isnt he handsome!!??!!??
The censoring is for him... he doesnt want his secret identity to
be released!! lol
Gonna go see if he is done work yet.. working late :( :P
better paycheck!! yay :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

This friggin sucks!!

Well.. we all know that I am due anytime now.. Dr. said within a week. Now for the sucky part. My hubby and myself are moving. First off, there is f@*$ all for rent in this town. The only place available is the place we r moving into. We were originally told we could move in for sure by July 1st, possibly mid June. Then, due to the new carpets not coming in, we were then bumped to the 10th of July. Then due to lack of workers, the 15th of July. Talked to the lady on Tuesday. She said for sure by the weekend we could start moving in. Today however, when my hubby went in to see if he could get the keys tomorrow to start moving on Saturday, he was told not till probably Monday or Tuesday.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the f*#@!!!
So of course we are not impressed.. Hubby said "I want an exact date!!" the man that was there(head of maintenance) said Tuesday.
I hope i dont go into labour before or during the move, as my due date is actually Monday. :(
Hubby is stressed. I am stressed. We r moving by ourselves, which really means he is moving by himself, as I am pretty much incapable at this time of helping him move things like beds, 200lb trunks, couch's, etc.
I also hope that we can actually move in Tuesday like they said, as Hubby is going to start switching things like hydro and what-not over for that date.. Will really be unimpressed if we have no heat, hot water, etc. cause we dont have anything hooked up here and are unable to be in the new place, paying for those utilities that we cant use.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Belly Casting :)

Got this idea from Christine!! Thanks Chris!!

Click to enlarge.

This is stage one of this project!! I cast my belly yesterday and now that it is dry enough I am going to trim the edges today and put a thin layer of plaster on it so that tomorrow I can sand it smooth. At a later date I will be taking it and spray painting it bronze and hanging it on the wall... lol
Just wanted something to remember pregnancy by as I dont think I will have anymore after this one.. unless its an oops.. :)
Anyway, will post more pics as it progress's :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Eventful Weekend

The Hubby and I went out for a drive yesterday(saturday) and ended up going thru this hole in the wall town about an hours drive away from here. We decided to investigate further and drove down this long backroad. There were deer everywhere!! So we decided to go "hunting" and shot several deer, as we had our trusty camera with us!! :)
Only one of the pictures turned out visibly though. Here is the nice big doe that was grazing at the side of the road when we stopped...
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Unfortunately she decided to turn and saunter away before my hubby got the shot. :( So we all get a great shot of her butt!!
Today was world cup finals!!
lol now i might get the tv back..
Hubby got his Italian goalie replica jersey yesterday in the mail and decided to wear it all afternoon and all night and all day today to help his favourite team win..
Apparently it worked as Italy won the cup :)
Hubby kinda stinks now though. ;) :P
France's team captain pulled a really shitty move and out of anger, not even during play, he decided to headbutt one of the Italy players in the chest. Because, I think, the Italian was guarding him too closely. Thats the gist of what I saw..
So, even though my ancestors were from France, Yay to Italy, the better sportsmen.
BOO Zidane... shame, shame on you!!

Friday, July 07, 2006


So it looks like my mom is definately not coming up to help me birth my baby!! :(
She fell and tore her ACL :( and it is draining blood into a capsule thingy in her knee joint.. she had to have it drained the other day via very large needle.. :( gross :)
so this is a pic of my moms knee before she had it drained....

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looks like luc and I get to do this alone :(
he will have to leave the room when/if i get an epideral... needle in my back !! ACK!!
anywho.. more later

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Still havent popped.....

this is all i see when i look down lately....

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i want to see my feet.. :P
hopefully will be out soon!! due the 17th of this month.. looking forward to having my body back :)
feel like a whale, and have no more room in my womb for the baby.. lol... gonna be 15lbs according to my hubby :( I dont think he knows what he is talking about though.. lol... more later