Monday, July 17, 2006

Still no baby...

and the countdown seems to be continueing. Today was my due date.... getting antsy!!
want to seeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Whine, snivel, whine....
want to know what it is!! boy or girl!! how big is it?!?!?! want to know!!!!!
probably should hope it doesnt show up till after the move... but starting to think i will never go into labour!!!
k.. breathe, breathe!!
k.. just gonna wait some more...


Tammy said...

An Orgasm sometimes induces labour and so does spicy food. I went 10 days over. Walk lots!!!!

mybabybunny said...

hey, oh wow!! tts fast! ... how is it? oh n have u shifted yet?

i am in the midst of shifting n it sucks big time. i hope all goes well for u ..

baby baby..where r u? think the baby is too comfortable inside...hehe..;-)

kessler clan said...

the stuff that the doctors give you to induce labour, the gel to soften your cervix, is the the exact same stuff that your hubby carries with him. (hint hint hint. My doctor told me that the stuff in his sperm is the exact same stuff that they use at the doctors office to induce labour. no joke. My doctor swore by it. IT WILL NOT HURT YOUR BABY!!! If anything it is like rocking him or her to sleep. The rocking motion actually will put the baby to sleep in the womb. Apparently it is very soothing to the baby.Hey give it a try. Also, yes orgasims can induce labour as well because when you have an orgasim, it causes your uterus to briefly contract and you may feel some cramping. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of cramping to get the real stuff going. If not, try Raspberry Leaf Tea. That was in my What to Expect When Expecting book. It actually warns you not to drink it unless you are at or past your due date. When all else fails, there is always the beloved Caster Oil. If that doesn't work, your bowels will be cleaned out so you don't "go" while in labour pushing.

Tammy said...

I hope your move is going well and that baby comes soon for you!!! Sending you all my best vibes and thoughts.