Friday, July 21, 2006

Darn it all!!

So, done with the move now.. got everything hooked up again. :)
yay computer!! yay cable!! :P
I am currently 4 days overdue and still nothing. Had a dr. appt. yesterday. Going in on Saturday(tomorrow) to have a fetal test strip done. Basically a prolonged relaxing period for me where they see how the baby is doing. Hopefully I go into labour this weekend, otherwise they will want to induce me by about Monday. :(
I have been told that when you are induced the labour pains are harder and hurt ever so slightly more. I am not looking forward to that if that happens to be the case.
In other news I still have a whole house to unpack.. hopefully get some of it done before baby shows up...

Guess that is it for now..


Tammy said...

I think being induced depends on the person on how much it hurts. THe more you worry and think it will hurt the more it will. Stay positive Darlin and I will send you some happy vibes and Hope you dont hurt too much. You forget it all anyways for the most part and you will have this amazing little person that makes it all worth it.

Anonymous said...

I went for a long walk (suggestion from other moms) and went into labor that night. 5 days early with my first.

Anonymous said...

I sat in a bathtub full of Jello!!.....

Anonymous said...

I was induced twice with the gel and she was still almost 3 weeks late.

Tammy said...

HOt Showers are supposed to help too. If you have a removable shower head put it on your lower bell. Helps increase the speed of dilation. Good Luck. Hope it happens soon for you naturally!!!

Anonymous said...

babies come when they are supposed to.