Tuesday, October 24, 2006

first giggles


Tammy said...

HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!!!! She is sooo cute and you are such a great mom!!! She looks to be very happy

andrea said...

only on the days when she isnt feeling gross from teething :( .
thnx tammy :)

Tammy said...

YW!!! Poor Baby. I lucked out with Zak and he didnt teeth till he was 11 months old and then he got them all in 4 months but my baby sister teethed early. I cant imagine how horrible it is for them. Poor things. She is soooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine started teething a week ago. She's 3 1/2 months old. Have you tried Camilia for teething pain? I found that it works as good as Tylenol but it's homeopathic. I also used the Hylands (also more natural) brand teething gel for right before meals. She would eat a full serving if I did that. Otherwise, she barely ate a thing.

Ella doesn't have the co-ordination to put things into her mouth to chew on yet, so I spend my day either holding teething toys in her mouth, or she's chewing on my finger.

andrea said...

she wont chew my finger.. or anything but her hands so far.. or her sucky..
but as soon as the sucky falls out of her mouth she screams.. :(
she doesnt seem to like mushy food yet either.. :(
been trying to get her to eat some. but so far its a no go
:( yeash.. being a mom is hard work!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even bothered with food yet. We're working on sleeping. She's sleeping from about 7:30 or 8:00 to around 4 in the morning. Except when she started teething, then she was up at 1:00 for extra food because she wasn't eating very well while teething. I guess teething comes and goes, from what I've heard. Right now, she's taking a break from teething, but who knows how long that will last.

Tammy said...

Being a mom is hard but You know what is best for your baby. When my niece was teething she was about 4 months and she was given unopened freezees to chew on. cold ont he teeth and when they have a couple teeth it is hilarious to see the look on their face when they get a tiny rip in it. My mom gave us a frozen washcloth(soak it in water and freeze it) to chew on. Good luck!!!!

andrea said...

im lucky then.. Karma goes to sleep anywhere between 8:30 and 10pm and usually sleeps until about 8 am.. with a few wake ups in between of course for more bottles. but other than than i get a fair amount of sleep. :) at night the teething doesnt seem to bother her much. its the day that i dread!! lol

Anonymous said...

Lately, Ella has been going right back to sleep after her 4:00am bottle! Let's hope it keeps up. There is no way that I could keep her up until 10:00! She goes ballistic if I don't put her in bed by 7:30. That kind of sucks for us because we can't go anywhere at night anymore.

How do you like living in Dawson? We're going up there for holidays in June for a week, and we may be up there this Feb. as well.

andrea said...

its ok.. was alot more bearable when my hubby was around. :(
and normal :P
you are from here right ingrid?
Karma actually goes to sleep in her swing around 7:30 as well.. but she wakes up around 9 ish.. so i put her to bed around 10 pm
(mean mommy forces her to sleep :) )

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I grew up in Pouce Coupe and we moved to Dawson when I was 17. I lived there til I was 22, then moved to Vernon! My parents are still there. They own the bowling alley.
How many naps does Karma take in a day? I get Ella to take 3 still.

andrea said...

she actually takes about 8-10 naps a day.. (about 15-20 mins each)
she wont sleep for very long during the day for some reason..