Saturday, March 04, 2006

So.. best I could do....

The following pic is the best i could do to get a pic of the baby online.. its a face shot... head is on the left and is looking at you!! creepy!! lol
and its fat belly is on the right..
unfortunatly its not a very clear pic.. but till scanner is up and running not much i can do :(
:) enjoy!!

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Speed Seeker said...

K...After staring at that for a bit, it becomes a little creepy...hehe Kinda reminds me of when Arnold S. was running through the X-Ray machine in Total Recall and all you saw was his skeleton.

Tammy said...

Oh dear!!!! I am sure it is a great pic and that you love it dearly. Cant wait to see baby with skin!!!!

Garry Nixon said...

Those ultrasound pics are always weird. Looking forward to the proper baby.

Dano said...

I have the Star Wars theme playin' in the background right made me think it looks like a storm trooper...but that's just me...I don't think I've ever seen one with the baby lookin' straight at me...It's pretty cool though.

mybabybunny said...

wow!!! awesome! how great life is... ;-)

Tammy said...

How are you and baby doing?

Seenie said...

Awww a beautiful little baby! I have so many little ultrasound pics of my two boys. Its amazing to see how a little baby develops in the womb. I found my ultrasounds amazing and looked at the pics I brought home forever. I am so stoked about seeing the new baby! Do you know yet what you are having? Or is that a secret? shhhhhhh... hehe. I had to know what I was having, I was so impatient!

Duck Hunter said...

What an awesome thing. I agree with RJ, that it wasn't creepy at first...but became that way.