Hubby seems to be getting some memory ability back..
I told him i had bought Karma a new stroller cause we didnt have one for her, and he wanted to know how much i had spent on it.
I told him, and now its almost 3 weeks later and he still remembers how much i spent on it. I only had to tell him the once. :)
Good stuff :).
He is also getting better at conversation. He asks about the baby more, asks how im doing without me asking him how he is first.
I told him that Karma was making it hard for me to pack (she wont leave me alone for 3 mins cause she is sick, teething, and generally cranky lol), and he sighed and asked," do you want me to come home and pack? then you can take care of our monster." lol
Sweet of him to think like that.. I of course said that yes i wanted him home. but not before he was capable... he understood..
But he did say that he felt bad cause i had to pack, move, and take care of the baby by myself.
I told him not to worry cause the only thing i want him to be concerned with at the moment is his recovery, and that was his job. My job was to take care of the rest until he is better.
He is doing soooo well as far as im concerned. :)
Oh guess i should mention that he has now been officially accepted into the long term rehab. Just waiting on paperwork to be finished, and a bed to be open.
so yeah.. i guess they think he is doing well with rehab as well. :)