Saturday, April 21, 2007

Some People Are SOOOOO Ignorant.

Some people can't live like decent, normal human beings.
They can't just stand by a friend, they can't admit when they are wrong about something.
They think that no matter what, they are in the right.
They seem to beleive their own lies.
Those people need to grow the f#*% up and realize that sometimes, they aren't right! Sometimes, they need to apologize!
Sometimes, they should just leave well enough alone and cherish the few good friends that they actually have and stop lying, cheating, manipulating, or overall stop hurting them.
Enough said..
If you are the "people" of whom I am speaking, you know who you are, then grow up, get over it, and admit occassionally that you are in the wrong, admit your lies for a change!


kessler clan said...

My my, I feel sorry for who ever crosses you. How is your packing going?? Give me a call sometimes, haven't heard fro you in a while. How the hell are ya??? Hope to talk to you real soon.

andrea said...

lol.. sorry leslie.. ive been really busy packing and stuff.. lots left to do and not enough energy or time to seem to get it done. :(
anywho.. im outta here on sunday morning.. will try to call you later tonight... :)

Tammy said...

Hope your move is going well. It will be nice to have a support system! Let us know how you and Karma girl are doing when you get settled

kessler clan said...

Hey, no, I never did get your post or email. Hmmmm it is floatin somewhere in cyber space. Isn't scarey...

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day Andrea!