Monday, April 02, 2007

On The Go!

Karma is keeping me on my toes these days.. no room to walk with the floor being taken up by a moving baby and her toys.. lol.

As you can see she is getting pretty good at moving around now ( and she really really likes to watch tv :P ).. have to keep an eye on her constantly.. to make sure she isn't getting into too much..

She has also taken to pulling herself up on furniture or me. :) I had to go save her the other day because she had pulled herself up by the couch and had started to fall backwards. She was barely hanging on to the edge of the couch and her little head was merely seconds away from hitting the coffee table. lol

Cant even turn my back long enough to get her her dinner now without her getting into some sort of trouble.


Ellabean said...

That's crazy cute! Ella's not crawling yet, just rockin and rollin. Have fun chasing her!

Tammy said...

How adorable. Zak never crawled. So glad to see you are still breathing and gracing the blog world again;)!!! Just kidding. She has gotten sooo big!