Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Talked to Luc's Phsycologis(or psyciatrist){btw my spelling is horrible!!}

Any way. She told me that Luc is pretty much par for the course as far as his mental state. This is the time when they start to get down and very confused.. hence the fact that he has been making stuff up. He was even mad at me last night for "denying our son ", tyler or trevor or something like that. lol.. Yeah he thinks we have 2 kids.. and one of them is a boy who is older than Karma.
Only temporary though.. thank god.
He seems to be doing well.. the nurses i have spoken with seem really nice too.
so, anyways..
not much going on in my life at the moment. Got guardianship and stuff of Luc. So now i can cut down on things like cable to save some money.. possibley get a vehicle..
oh well.. more later.


Tammy said...

Good to hear that things financially are sorted out. Maybe it is better that you are not with him during this stage as you could get hurt emotionally. Remember he loves you and he is getting better. Good luck with things. Hope YOU are ok too!!

Garry Nixon said...

All will be well. And meanwhile, you deserve medals for extreme valour.

Tammy said...

Hope all is still going well and that you get to talk to Luc lots. Enjoy your first Christmas with your daughter to the best of your ability. She will help take a bit of the pain away!!!