Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Talked to Luc today...

I had spoken to his nurse earlier in the day.. she said that they had to put a net of some sort around his bed so he wouldnt climb out and hurt himself.... since he has been trying to get out..
So when i spoke to him on the phone i asked him if he was trying to get out of bed. He said yeah. I asked if they put the netting up so he wouldnt get up, fall over, and hit his head. He said " yeah, but i screwed them!" so of course i asked him how he screwed them.. his response was"because i didnt hit my head!" lol
So innocent in some ways. I told him i missed him a bunch. He said that he has been missing me lots, for like the past 3 days. :)
I love him..
When I was about to get off the phone with him, he told me to say hi to everyone for him. I told him to behave and no matter how much he wants to do or not to do something, he has to do what the nurses and doctors tell him to do. He said he would try. I guess (when i called the other day) his nurse told me he wasnt wanting to eat much. I told them to tell him that his wife wants him to eat so his brain can get better and he can come home. Well the nurse told him that this morning during breakfast, and he told her" thats funny, thats what my wife always says". :)
so his memory is getting a bit better..
He also asked to call his wife this morning..
He asked me today when im gonna come to see him.. I told him as soon as i can afford to.
He must be lonely there.. but at least his mom and fred are there as of tonight(in edmonton) and they are gonna be there till monday (when their flight leaves). So he will have some company.:)
from people who care about him.


Tammy said...

I am happy he seems to be doing soooo well. Thank you for the update. What all is happening with you and Karma though???

Ellabean said...

That's awesome. It sounds like he's making a lot of progress quite fast.

Christine Hart said...

Every so often I wonder what it would be like if something like this happened to Jeff. He's always had hazardous jobs - metal, blades, machines, equipment, etc. I think part of me would break.

I think you might be one of the strongest people I know for doing as well as you have through this. And being Karma's mom all the while.

andrea said...

thanx you guys.. i think i have said this before but you dont know how well you can handle things until they r thrown in your lap.. i think most of the people i know would do as well as i am in a situation like this. you know what they say about birds of a feather? :)