Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sad.. but good..

I went to see Luc yesterday..
So, he has been starting to show emotion, mostly joy.. little bits of laughing and smiling here and there, when he is in the mood to smile.
I guess its only right that since he has started to show one emotion he should start to show more of them.
Well, I had his music playing on the dvd player i bought him, and the song " I walk the line" came on...
he said to me..
"This is gonna make me sad" and I, being not terribly with it lately, asked him what was going to make him sad..(i was looking at the baby when i asked him this)
I looked up when he said "this song" because something sounded off..
Well he was right.. the song made him sad.. he was starting to tear up.
:( That was hard to see..
so i turned the music off and gave him a hug and told him everything was ok.. that its ok to cry but he didnt need to, because his friends and family love him and he is getting better, and i told him that before he knows it he will be on his way home..
Its horrible to see him upset like that.. and to not be able to fix it and make him happy.
But, in the sceme of things, it is a very very good thing that he is starting to do that.
He needs to be able to release his emotions.
Later on, when he is able to come home and such, he can choose to hold things back if he feels he needs to, but for now this is another big step forward.
He has also started to move his left thumb for me. :)
his left leg is getting there as well.. but that left hand and arm i have been sooooo worried about.. so... YAY!! Everything, no matter how small, is a huge improvement.
I cant imagine what he is going thru inside(as he doesnt really know how to express things totally yet) and how hard it must be for him to try to move his left side and have it not work totally for him.
He is trying, and that is the main thing.
In some ways im glad he will be going to Edmonton for his rehab, and that i wont be there for it..
It would be too hard to watch i think.. knowing he is getting frustrated and tired and such.
oh well..
oh!! btw.. i have been trying to post comments on a few peoples blogs, and blogger for some reason or another wont allow it..
dont know why, just hope that they will fix this problem soon..
so, Leslie, Tammy, Lovanda, and everyone else who doesnt get a post from me for a while, I keep trying and eventually i will comment on your blogs!! :P


Tammy said...

You are right. Rehad is hard and tiring and frustrating. I only had it for my knee so I can't imagine what Luc will go thru but it will be worth it. I know he wants to come home to you and your adorable baby girl. No worries about the blogging thing. I think it may be bacause you switched to the new version. I havent yet. WHen does Luc go to Edmonchuck? How is Karma enjoying the snow???

Anonymous said...

I live in Edmonton and know a thing or two about Rehab and I must say if he's at the Glenrose, he'll be with state of the art staff and equipment. The U of A also does a lot of work and research in the area of rehab. They are using a new technology now which Luc might even be a candidate for, they use electric current to stimulate the nerves to keep them active and working. He's in good hands up here! It might not hurt to find out if there are some clinical trials of this new technology going on that he can be a part of. I know they have a hard time finding good, willing candidates. But it works! The body is an amazing piece of equipment and remember those nerves in the peripheral nervous system CAN regenerate themselves, the brain cells (CNS), not so much, but with constant stimulation (from you and your family) he WILL re-route those pathways. Trust in that!

andrea said...

thanx anon.. :) ive heard nothing but good things about the glenrose so far :)
I know he can get better, i also know he will never be quite the same as before.. but who knows.. He may be better than he was before in some area's..i just hope he recovers enough that he doesnt get depressed after rehab is over..

andrea said...

we arent sure when he is going yet tammy.. have to call on tuesday and see if anyone has been discharged from there yet. once they have a bed open he will be on his way. :)
karma doesnt quite get to actually see the snow yet.. its been too cold so i keep her covered up... dont want to freeze her little lungs..

Tammy said...

Hey Andrea!!!
Off the topic of your post but how did you get the music thingy on your blog?

andrea said...

oh.. um.. i will email u how i did it.. (as soon as i remember how to do it :) )

starbender said...

It must seem like a million years have past since his accident. I am glad to hear he is getting better. I'm sure U can't wait until he is finally home with U and the baby!
Still keeping U'r family in my prayers.
' ]

andrea said...

thanks starbender :)

andrea said...

yup, he can read.. :) and if you want to you can email me stuff(pics & letters etc) and i can take them to him and put the pics in his photo album i got him. and let him read the letters.. he is seeing actually quite well. he is starting to stand up on his own now too.. he even scares the nurses by letting go of the railing and just standing there. lol... he's doing great.. so.. the girl you r talking about, was that the one with kids that worked as a stylist at the mall? im glad to here that she is getting better as well.. :)

Ellabean said...

Things seem to be moving forward for Luc all the time. That's awesome. And, I think that you should do whatever you need to do to stay strong and healthy for Luc, Karma and for you.