Thursday, January 12, 2006

My bp is down!! :)

only 130 over 85 now!! lol
still high but much better...
drinking lots of water helped.. :)
im also allowed to chew nicorette gum to help cut back on smoking... :(
anywho.. thats about it.. oh.. i also finally found out my blood type... O+
cool eh? i can take any blood if i ever need it. :)
although i almost think i would rather have plasma so that i dont end up with some sort of disease... :P
so... gotta get ready for work now... and dont worry dano.. i wont die before you come up to see me :)


Tammy said...

Good to hear everything is better with you. I was starting to get worried a little. Keep us posted!!!

Dano said...

Yay! no death, good.

andrea said...

Thanks for your concern Tammy!!
Its kinda creepy for me having never been through this stuff before.. :)

Tammy said...

I would imagine it is. I was terrified. Just drink lots and eat healthy. I used to walk for an hour every night and it helped the bp too. Just not too fast!!! I hope one day we get to meet.

Christine Hart said...

Glad to hear you're better too. I wish I had some insight, but I'm still unwed and barren.

Only thing I can think to send is that preggers blog (if I haven't already) and crossed fingers. And being pretty sure that you'll be okay ;)

Anonymous said...

O+ is not the universal recipient. You having O+ cannot take anyones blood. AB is the universal recipient. O- is the universal donor. Just thought I'd let you know so you don't die because you think you can get anyones blood.