Sunday, January 29, 2006

We were supposed to go out last night

but couldnt get ahold of anyone...
kinda sucks.. poor dano is stuck with just luc and myself it seems..
oh well.. we are going to look into bowling today...
as a little side excursion to keep dano from feeling like a shut it...(as that is usually what luc and i are :P )
tired... cold out...
kinda glad that i didnt have to go out last night though. it felt really cold.. :(
more later..

Friday, January 27, 2006

Cute Stuff!!

here is something that i saw on Garry's blog!! its soooo cute!!
Magical Trevor!

and then there is the Badger one!!!

and my bellybutton is starting to smooth out!! not totally sticking out just yet.. but getting there...
and apparently i have a tilted uterus.. so im already starting to show... its sitting just below my stomach so that would explain why i cant eat that much at one time anymore... Ive actually lost weight since i got preggers... which i thought wouldnt happen since i havent had morning sickness... but im not complaining.!!!
anywho.. gonna go get dano today!! yay Dano!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

2 Weeks Off

Yup you read it right!
i work today then have to take 2 weeks off work... my bp is back up... :(
no money coming in.. sucks butt.
that and i think it may be pissing my boss off too...
she seemed a little put out by the doc's note yesterday...
doesnt make me want to continue working..... makes me feel like crap.
I think she wont want me back after maternity leave...
oh well.. lots of other work up here..
:( sigh..
anywho.. on the bright side dano will be here in 2 more days and i guess that means he wont have to just hang out by himself while he is here... as i will be off..
yay for that i guess... :)
my daddy is in vancouver by tomorrow he will be having an angioplasty... i dont know about the bypass yet... not sure if they will do it then or wait till later...
i miss my daddy... :(

Thursday, January 19, 2006

My poor Daddy....

is in the hospital... has 3 blockages in his arteries.. one is 99% one is 60% and another they arent sure of.. so he is going to be flown probably to vancouver for a bypass surgery...
so anyone out there who prays please do so for my daddy.. :(
the rest of you please think nice thoughts for him.. especially those of you who know him..
The dr.'s think one of the arteries is gonna be tough to do so... well you know..
gonna go cry now :(

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I got to hear the baby's heartbeat today!! good and strong... my bp is down to like 115 over 70ish... yay!!
But my daddy is having heart troubles.... START WALKING MORE DAD!! or else!!
Dont make me come down there!!
anywho... anyone who sees my dad, tell him to go walk the mall or something!!
so... thats been my day so far... time for a nap!! YAY!!

Monday, January 16, 2006


Caught our second mousie in a mousetrap this A.M.
creepy little buggers!!
almost stepped on a running little mousie a few weeks back! I screamed like a girl!!
which is ok since i am a girl!!
anywho.. off to work for me!
:( :P
another day... another buck or 2... sigh..

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My bp is down!! :)

only 130 over 85 now!! lol
still high but much better...
drinking lots of water helped.. :)
im also allowed to chew nicorette gum to help cut back on smoking... :(
anywho.. thats about it.. oh.. i also finally found out my blood type... O+
cool eh? i can take any blood if i ever need it. :)
although i almost think i would rather have plasma so that i dont end up with some sort of disease... :P
so... gotta get ready for work now... and dont worry dano.. i wont die before you come up to see me :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So.... I have high blood pressure... and apparently its high enough to make the emergency room doctor kinda worry.
He told me to get into my dr asap to keep an eye on the bp.
He also said a possibility of bedrest may be in my future..
so.. home i came to talk to my mother about it, and, lo and behold she too had high bp.
bad enough she ended up in hospital when she was preggers with me. And my sis had high bp as well.
kinda worries me.. to be off work at the end of 3 months?!?! already?!?!
Not something i expected as i was having a great pregnancy so far. No morning sickniss, no other problems.. all was going so well... :(
oh well..
I had been having strange headaches... just a normal headache... not as bad as a migrane... but with double vision, no periferal vision, and swirling lights in the corners of my eyes...
the last straw was when the side of my mouth went totally numb.... Like when youve been to the dentist and he has frozen you...
That only lasted like 5-10 mins.. but still scared the shit out of me.. so off to the hospital we went and the above is what i found out..
130 over 100!!
well.. dr appointment tomorrow before work...
talk to you all later... wish me luck!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Which Famous criminal?

You are Elizabeth Bathory. (The bloodcountess)
Legend tells us that you, this very rich,
beautiful and high born woman tortured and
murdered some 650 young women and bathed in
their warm blood to keep yourself beautiful.
In some stories, it is said you have drank thier
blood as well. You were a sexual sadist on a
grand scale.
Ah vanity is your downfall. For shame!

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Well, a new year... again..
Time seems to go by so fast!
Well I'm just about out of my first trimester! yay!
Im hoping that the headaches go away when i get into my 2nd trimester but if not i guess i cant complain too much! No morning sickness so far! lucky for me! yay!
anywho! not too long now till we get to have a little visit with dano!
he will be coming up here the end of this month! yay! a friend!!
anyways, i hope you all had a great holiday season and i hope none of you are suffering to badly from hangovers! talk to you all later! :)