Tuesday, November 22, 2005


well.. yes anonymous.. it is the christmas tree downtown...
so my doctor visit went well....
sent me for some bloodwork.... which isnt that much fun as i tend to shake and freak out and get kinda dizzy when people take blood...
anyway.. they took 6 larger vials of my blood... i almost passed out!!
well only when i turned and looked thinking she was done with my veins...
oh... i guess i should fill you in on my due date and stuff....
maybe later?

keeping you all in suspence?
ok ok... i wont have any results till the blood work gets back.. but the doctor said that if 3 home tests were positive that i am most probably pregnant.... and my due date at this time is around the 21st of July.
so Yay!! a summer baby!!

Anyways, im gonna go now.. im so bloody tired lately.. thank goodness.. no morning sickness yet... but i really want to eat a can of green beans.... :P
cravings!! (at least im not craving junkfood!)
I'll keep you all posted!


Garry Nixon said...

Sounds good, if you're tired and craving good things to eat. Good luck and you take care.

Tammy said...

Tired is normal in 1st and 3rd trimester. I have a summer baby too!!!! July 28. Good luck and definately keep us all posted.

andrea said...

thanks you two!! :)

Anonymous said...

So it only took 1 or 2 Grande Prairie ice cubes I guess. What did I tell you. There is something in the water up here! Way to go, I am so very very happy for you two. If anyone deserves this, it is the two of you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Andi...to you and Luc. Love you both.

Ken said...

I bet that Anonymous is someone that you know.