Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I drove luc to work this morning....

and on my way back from exploring our town in the dark... i took this pic!
Hosted by Putfile.com

Can you tell me what it is?
If you can you get a shiny, new gold star!

So i finally put something on my other blog!
Kellie, if you look at it make sure Zada isn't in the room... i dont want her to see her x-mas present!

Today is the day that i go to the doctor to find out if im for sure preggers..(i think 3 tests coming up positive is enough but ive been told otherwise!)
and from there the process of growing a baby begins!! lol
like it hasn't begun already!:P

anywho!, more news later today!


Tammy said...


Garry Nixon said...


Tammy said...

HELLOOOOO!!!????? SO how did the Dr. go?????? How far along are you? When are you due???? Details woman;)

Anonymous said...

Its the christams tree down town

Luctouque said...

good call patrick!!!!!!:D