Wednesday, January 25, 2006

2 Weeks Off

Yup you read it right!
i work today then have to take 2 weeks off work... my bp is back up... :(
no money coming in.. sucks butt.
that and i think it may be pissing my boss off too...
she seemed a little put out by the doc's note yesterday...
doesnt make me want to continue working..... makes me feel like crap.
I think she wont want me back after maternity leave...
oh well.. lots of other work up here..
:( sigh..
anywho.. on the bright side dano will be here in 2 more days and i guess that means he wont have to just hang out by himself while he is here... as i will be off..
yay for that i guess... :)
my daddy is in vancouver by tomorrow he will be having an angioplasty... i dont know about the bypass yet... not sure if they will do it then or wait till later...
i miss my daddy... :(


Garry Nixon said...

I hope your Dad's ok.

And if your boss resents you being pregnant and having to take time off, well, that's tought shit, isn't it? These people don't seem to realise that loyalty's a two way street.

mybabybunny said...

good to hear that things are better now. in the meantime i guess u should rest....find another job.... yea..

i suppose there are always better ones around.. ;-)

andrea said...

thnx for the support garry!! :) and yeah.. can always find a better job enchanteur :)

Tammy said...

Well I hope the 2 weeks off helps your bp. I guess you arent really supposed to do a whole lot though. I wish your daddy the best and I hope he is ok.