Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Why doesnt anyone ever comment on my other blog? Does no one look? No one wants to see the things i have made with my bare hands? :( i knew it.. you all think i suck dont you!!??!! LOL
just kidding.. had to say something on my blog before everyone stops reading it...


Speed Seeker said...

Sorry...Figured your perfection in your work told all there is to say. You're very creative.

Tammy said...

Your housecoat you made is very cute

andrea said...

lol!! you two r soooooo much fun!!

Christine Hart said...

Want to know everything there is to know about the traffic on your blog? I only use it for my professional site, but it could be used to track blogs too. If you're comfortable cutting and pasting code, I think you'll have fun with it ;)
