Tuesday, August 23, 2005

We made it up here!

blea! The drive up here sucked! It was long, boring, and I've decided that I hate Chetwynn!
Luc led the whole way up.. It got pretty dark out... saw a few LARGE deer at the side of the road... and a HUGE!!!! bear shortly after that... it was really dark out though so it could have been a tree.. :) But I'm pretty sure it was a big ass bear. Got a job the 2nd day out. Kinda cool.. blea!
This is our new computer

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Here is our new living room. :)

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and here's the canning ive been doing. (bored!)

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pickled carrots and canned peaches(or was it the other way around?)
And where was Luc thru all my canning you ask?

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sleeping of course!

Anyway.. we just wanted to say that luc and i miss everyone
creepy dano,
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kristy who loves herself sometimes,
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Steff, Ace, and everyone else that we didnt have pics of.

Hopefully talk to you all soon. :)



Dano said...

Awesome! Yay! Happy Happy!

little gwion said...

Good luck; stay cool; let the world know what's happening.