Tuesday, August 30, 2005

For my mommy,

I went to find my grandma's grave today.. found it and my aunt darceys as well.. made a movie for you mom!!!

Click here to watch Gravesite's

hope you like it mom.

Monday, August 29, 2005

I hate Mondays

And so it shall be that I will have to work on Mondays, and the sky shall burn and fall to the Earth.... Revelations of Andrea 3; 16
Ugh, blea,, tired... You know you're getting old when you start falling asleep on the couch before 9:00pm. Got more mail from my little neice(spelling bad). More pics.. but I am sleepy and dont want to do much more than post words right now.. too much effort to post pics.. too much effort to think... to much effort......
Sorry. Tired..Old..sleepy. Gonna watch simpsons and try not to fall asleep on the couch again. Don't worry Dano, Luc and I will have lots of energy to hang out with you when you come up to visit.. :)
nighty night.

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


That is what I'm doing today. I hope you all liked yesterdays posted movie.. if not go ahead and check it out. :)
I guess I will write more tomorrow. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2005


My weekend at last!!!! sort of ...

I was bored and didn't want you all to go away empty handed so I made this short film for you all... Enjoy!
Click here to watch 'The Meeting of Two'

just scroll down and press play on the vid window. ;)

Friday, August 26, 2005


ick, blea, ewww. dont want to get up yet. :(


So my niece Zada drew me a few pics and sent them to me for my fridge.
Here is a pic of her and my nephew Gage...
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and here is the note that came with the pics.. :)
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So here are her drawings....
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at the bottom of this one it says "For Auntie Andrea and Uncle Luc From Zada"

Aren't they cute? Her drawings as well. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ouchy's :(

Woke up with a migrane, cant shake it :(
Went to work for like 2hours or something.. came home.. not much else happening...
pic time...

me and my migrane,
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Cute redhead Amanda,
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and Janice who wouldn't smile for me.. she just kept telling me to go away. :)
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Luc and I went and did laundry this evening...
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Look!!! ^ there must be the same artist in dawson as in vernon.

We also saw this cool artwork on the opposite wall from the washer.
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Luc was looking kinda strange this evening...
I hope everything was ok with him.. he didn't say anything......
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Strange men doing things to poor defenseless trucks!!!
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ok.. goodnight.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Well... I worked today.. not feeling to good, kinda yucky in my gut! :(
Anywho, thought I would show you all my new place of employment!!!

So, here it is..

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and a few co-workers.. here's amanda,

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and Debbie.

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I Like them all. They're really nice to work with and they laugh at my jokes(and for any of you who know me, I can be kinda sick) so that is a big thing. There is also Lynn(boss), Leanne, and a cute little red-head named Amanda also.
I'll get some pics of them soon too and put them up.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot about this pic.. I work just up from the mile zero post of the alaska highway.

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It's a pain in the butt. It's in the middle of the intersection and it's hard to figure out how to drive around it.
Anyway, that's all for now.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

We made it up here!

blea! The drive up here sucked! It was long, boring, and I've decided that I hate Chetwynn!
Luc led the whole way up.. It got pretty dark out... saw a few LARGE deer at the side of the road... and a HUGE!!!! bear shortly after that... it was really dark out though so it could have been a tree.. :) But I'm pretty sure it was a big ass bear. Got a job the 2nd day out. Kinda cool.. blea!
This is our new computer

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Here is our new living room. :)

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and here's the canning ive been doing. (bored!)

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pickled carrots and canned peaches(or was it the other way around?)
And where was Luc thru all my canning you ask?

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sleeping of course!

Anyway.. we just wanted to say that luc and i miss everyone
creepy dano,
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kristy who loves herself sometimes,
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Steff, Ace, and everyone else that we didnt have pics of.

Hopefully talk to you all soon. :)
