Friday, December 01, 2006

Hubby gone :( :)

:) yay!! this means he will be getting even better from here on in.
got up at 6:30 am to go see him before they shipped him out. Karma did good for getting woken up to run out of the house before 7am..
I told him he should say bye to his baby for now since he wont see her for quite a while. So he said bye sweety, daddy is gonna miss you. he even cuddled with her on his bed for a few minutes.. I got pissed off at one of the nurses.. He said he had to pee so she came in and just undid his attends and gave him the little portable urinal but left him lying down.. she didnt bother to get him sitting up or nothing. She also said that if he didnt go that she would just let him go in his attends and change him when he had finished. So when she left and luc said he wouldnt be able to pee like that I said to him, i know hunny, that nurse kinda erked me.. you are totally capable of getting up to pee, you just need help and for her to do that and say that(infront of him) is kinda degrading. It makes me mad for you i said. He looked down when she had left. Just because he has brain injury doesnt mean he cant understand her or feel embarrased(spelling sucks). He was definately embarrased by that.. After i told him that he said thanks hunny. and smiled at me.
It makes me feel good that he understands why i was upset at the nurse(cause i could tell he was upset by the situation too) and that he was thankful for my noticing it too. :)
He is so sweet.. he sorta remembered our phone # today.. only he said the first three digits where 503 which is a vernon #
He said he was gonna think of us everyday and try to get better for her(karma).
anywho.. im gonna go, gotta do dishes so karma has bottles for the rest of the night.


Tammy said...

I hope your dreams comes true and he will come home to you soon. You are both working so hard. Does the Rehab centre have a video machine? You could maybe then send videos of you and Karma to him so he remembers what he is fighting for. Just a thought. All the best.

andrea said...

yup, unless i can buy a vehicle somewhere along the way.. if i can make it down there(weather permitting) i will let you know :) will email you my addy and the glenrose's addy as well..