Sunday, October 01, 2006

babble babble babble.. blah blah blah.

So, my munchkin is getting so big.. she smiles at me now.. for about 2 mins before she starts to cry.. lol
Luc is doing incredible now!! he has conversations.. he was kissing my friends hand the other day..i told him " Hey !! You're married!! No kissing other girls" to which he replied" no kissing other boys" to me :)
He remembers me, but doesnt know we r married.. keeps telling me my last name is michaud.. my maiden name. but once i tell him we r married he seems to understand.. and when i ask him who i am he says " my wife."
They pulled his feeding tube out the other day, because he is eating smushy foods and drinking on his own. :)
well, you still have to feed him but he has taken the spoon away and tried a few times to feed himself.
Apparently all he has to be able to do now is have control of his bladder and bowel.. he can tell you when he is wet so it probably wont be long now till he can go to a rehab facility. :)
He will probably be transfered to the Glenrose back in Edmonton..
so far away from me, his baby, his mom, his dad.. basically everyone who loves him
but its for the best. then he will be able to eventually come home to me :)
I miss him. :(
but its getting there.
I just have to look at this as "it could have been worse" . He woke up from the vegitative state, he survived the crash... he'll make it home too.. :)


mybabybunny said...

Amen to that!! Thats good positive thinking that will lead to only good stuff!! :-)

So happy that its getting better for u.

Keeping you in prayers still.

Tammy said...

I am soo happy that things are getting better. THere doesnt seem to be much by way of permanent after affects. That is a good thing. Thank you for the update and I am happy it was a good one. Maybe he will be able to come home in time for Karma's first Christmas. One day at a time though. All the best!!!

kessler clan said...

i am so glad that he is doing so well. I am so sorry that we could not make it there this weekend. With Quinn being in call and having no one to watch Alexis, it is a little hard. I will see what I can do this weekend. Quinn is on call this weekend as well, but I will see if I can swing it or not. If not, I will try throughout the week maybe. I really want to get up there. I was upset all weekend because I couldn't get there. I really want to get there and feel bad that I haven't been since he has been moved. Anyway, I hope that he will be home for Christmas. That would definitely be a Christmas miracle to pray for.