Monday, June 19, 2006

Looks like i am single.

hubby wants a divorce.. wont go into details..
but gonna be a single mom now.. oh joy
just what i wanted for my baby.

have to wait till tomorrow to find out from my doctor if im ok to travel still or if i cant go till after baby is born.
if i can it looks like i will be in back to vernon again.

so.. guess i will have a lot more time to see friends than i thought i would.


Christine Hart said...

Sorry to hear that - I hope it works out. I'm back in Vernon July 14th to 16th and I have a soft shoulder if you need it.

andrea said...

thnx christine

Anonymous said...

We all love you honey!

Tammy said...

You are probably ok to travel yet. Are you ok -considering? Single Parenthood can be a good thing. If you ever need to talk or vent or cry or discuss things for being a single mom feel free to call me. My best thoughts are with you. Try to not get too stressed out for baby's sake though I know that will be hard. I've never met you but I feel like you are a friend. I luv you and wish you all the best. Your baby will benefit from all of the love it's mommy can give and will be great. You are a wonderful person and will be an amazing mom.

mybabybunny said...

hey wat happened. why this suddenly. i truly hope it will not happen. work things out. man. i will pray for u both. remember tt u both love each other..