Wednesday, January 17, 2007

havent posted in a while..

but i have some good news.
Looks like Luc is starting to come out of his post traumatic amnesia.
A couple of days ago i told him our phone number... then had him repeat it to me a few times..
well the last 4 digits of our # are 2041.. the next day, when i asked him what our # was, he said our number was 2014.
close but not quite right.. i told him again what it was and ever since then he remembers..
only problem now is that he is starting to show his temper.
not so good. but at least it was expected.
where he damaged his brain(his left orbital fracture and the consequent trauma to the brain directly behind it)his left frontal lobe, controls personality, motor skills, and temper.
So, now they have to start dealing with that..
I have now had to reinterate to him, at the nurses request, that hitting is wrong...
I told him it is ok to vocalize as opposed to lashing out physically.
anywho.. this is actually a good thing, even the nurses said so. It means he is getting stronger and healing some.
sigh.. lol
well.. will post more when i know more..
until then.. :) have a good day to whomever may be reading this. :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

made won ton soup tonight...

all by myself!! from scratch!!
it was yummy!!
I even made the won ton's themselves!! mmmmmmmm... soupy!